Thursday, April 23, 2009


Quite odd for my first blog posting, but bear with me for a second. I've made many decisions in my life, some easier than others, but today I made one that stings like nothing I've ever experienced. I said goodbye to home. Not home in the sense of what city, or state I'm from, but rather home as in the place I grew up in, shared laughs, tears and joy with those I loved in, and became a man in. It's a bit silly to feel this way about a domicile, yes, but nonetheless this was MY domicile, my base of operations, and my fortress of solitude. It was where I was crazy enough to hold bbq's in the middle of a concrete jungle, ridiculously packed new years parties, or counseling sessions with any of my friends. And yet today, I said goodbye. Not goodbye in the sense that I've physically left, that part comes later, but rather that I've decided to end the fight for something that in reality was just for rent. Anyone who knows me, knows of the endless battle I've had with my landlord, one that has drained me emotionally, financially, and incredibly even physically, and frankly I've had enough. So with that I say goodbye. I'll take my things and go, even if all I'll have left are some great memories, that'll be enough for me. Goodbye home.

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